Bombshell Rita Hayworth Explodes at Club Arcada next Thurs & Fri Aug 24 &25
#RitaHayworth is the foundation of #ColumbiaPictures Know as #TheLoveGoddess Married to some of the most interesting men in the world,...

Three Bowies Three Different Experiences Next Week in St Charles IL
#RebelRebel The Many Lives of #DavidBowie explodes next Thursday at #ArcadaTheatre in #StCharlesIL in the #Chicago area. This thrilling...

UQC starring Marc Martel goes Down Under next week!
#TheUltimateQueenCelebration starring Marc Martel goes to Australia and New Zeland for six thrilling shows starting next week!!!!!!...

Let's Dance! David Bowie is in the house with Rebel Rebel at Arcada Theatre, St Charles IL Aug2
REBEL REBEL The Many Lives Of David Bowie this theatrical concert transports audiences to the world of Bowie with the greatest songs of...

Rita Hayworth comes to Chicagoland August 24 and 25 at Club Arcada in St Charles, Il in The Heat Is
This sexy musical takes you lovingly by the hand with Quinn known for her uncanny resemblance to Hayworth, from her flowing red hair to...

DAVID BOWIE Brings Stardust Magic to Arcada Theatre, St Charles IL August 23
Experience three different Bowie's giving you unique electrofying performances from the various #Bowie incarnations. #SamGiven...

Rita Hayworth Brings Chicago The Golden Age of Hollywood Aug 24 & 25th Arcada Theatre St Charles
Quinn Lemley brings her critically acclaimed one-woman show to Club Arcada Speakeasy. A rare up close and personal chance to experience ...